2022-06-16 11:41:01

McKinsey Report Claims Metaverse Could be Worth $5 Trillion by 2030

According to a new global consulting company McKinsey & Company report, global spending in the metaverse might exceed $5 trillion by 2030. The 77-page report, titled “Value Creation in the Metaverse,” analyzed current adoption trends and drew additional insight from two global surveys: one polled a range of executives from 448 companies across 15 industries in 10 different countries, and the other polled a range of consumers from 3,104 consumers across 11 countries. Future Of The Metaverse According to McKinsey, the future of metaverse consumer activity will most likely be organized into five core activities: gaming, socializing, fitness, commerce, and remote learning. According to McKinsey, approximately 60% of all consumers prefer at least one virtual activity to its physical counterpart, and 79 percent of consumers believe E-commerce will be the dominant cash cow in the metaverse by 2030, accounting for somewhere between $2 trillion and $2.6 trillion in total spending. Virtual advertising will be another critical area, with projected revenue of $144 billion to $206 billion. Those that are now active in the metaverse have already made a purchase. Metaverse to Contribute 15% of Company’s Total Profit In contrast to the current pessimism in the traditional crypto market, the report claims that more than $120 billion has already been invested in metaverse-related technology and infrastructure in the first five months of this ye...

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