2022-07-01 13:05:14

Coinbase Denies Allegations of Selling Customer Data to ICE

Reports claim that the cryptocurrency trading platform Coinbase refutes selling the Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) with client information. Online rumors about Coinbase giving the ICE geolocation data started to spread on Thursday. Due to this, individuals on Twitter like Solobase Mac expressed their disbelief that they “didn’t sign up for that.” As they tweeted: Now why would they be doing that? So basically invasion of privacy. Sells with out knowledge? They will be owing me 10 million for that one. I didn’t sign up for that. What the hell could this be real or false. Man so much running through my head right now. — Solobase Mac (@Blacktalizman) June 30, 2022 Coinbase Denies Allegations Coinbase confirmed in a statement on Twitter that the company “does not sell proprietary client data.” The exchange emphasized that providing platform users with a safe and secure experience is its top concern. 1/ We want to make this incredibly clear: Coinbase does not sell proprietary customer data. Our first concern has been and always will be providing the safest and most secure crypto experience to our users. — Coinbase (@coinbase) June 30, 2022 The cryptocurrency platform has also stated that it developed its Coinbase Tracer tools to adhere to legal regulations. According to Coinbase, this is used to examine financial crimes, including money laundering and supporting terrorism. The exchange c...

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