2022-07-17 00:50:44

Here’s How C-Stores Can Push for Mass Crypto Adoption

Cryptocurrencies have been around for some time, and while they are growing more mainstream, there is a lingering sense that a larger portion of society still considers them to be nothing more than oddities. Crypto is money, and the aim of money is to facilitate trade and investment. But money becomes less valuable if it can only be used within a small circle or if its reach is minimal. Digital currencies such as Bitcoin (BTC)and Ether (ETH) have gone beyond the point of mass awareness; most people have heard about them. But the magic phrase being whispered around the corridors of crypto right now is “mass adoption.” The widespread use of virtual money for everyday payments is the next frontier that crypto needs to conquer. What is Mass Crypto Adoption? Mass crypto adoption means that governments worldwide have created enabling environments for it to flourish, that the man in the street has become aware of crypto’s utility, and that businesses have taken note and are monetizing the opportunity. Several things are required for mass adoption to become a reality in crypto. First, there needs to be awareness. Thankfully, the initial coin offering (ICO) craze of a couple of years ago ensured that many people got to know about digital assets in general and cryptocurrencies in particular. The second thing needed for mass crypto adoption to become a reality is institutional adoption to pave the way for political and regulatory accepta...

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