2022-08-02 06:01:31 tabs Kyle Klemmer to become COO

Kyle Klemmer joins as COO, bringing 15 years of growing and running startups to Fortune 500 companies. Kyle quickly made a name for himself in the crypto world by leading several projects to over a billion-dollar market cap. His experience in corporate operations combined with an unmatched marketing mind made him the perfect fit to join Mech as Trey’s second in command in December 2021. is changing the conversation about play-to-earn games. After pioneering casual mobile gaming, Trey Smith is out to dominate the metaverse with Kyle bringing that vision to life. By launching Mech in phases they’re able to continually offer something new and fun to keep players engaged and coming back for more. This strategy has caught the attention of many big names who have already invested in Mech. Kyle lead the $6 million fundraising round that brought on the likes Yida Gao and Shima Capital, Jake Paul, and many other big names in the industry. His ability to develop relationships and create win-win situations for people has brought on strategic partnerships that still have Trey scratching his head. One notable advisor is Justin Kan, the co-founder of the top video game streaming platform Twitch. Having Justin in their corner gives make an unfair advantage for developing the next revolutionary play-to-earn game. Kyle’s ability to find incredibly talented people and empower them to new reach for new levels makes him tr...

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