2022-08-02 10:23:49

Play-to-Earn Gaming Sweeps the Crypto Space

Play-to-Earn games have gained tremendous popularity in recent years. The gaming community got hooked to it primarily due to the thrill associated with the games and the lucrative awards. If you look at the recent figures, some of the popular titles have more than 1 million active users. Every game, genre, niche, and the whole Play-to-Earn gaming space has a community around it, with members actively interacting and, in some cases, promoting the game on various social media platforms. Word-of-mouth promotion seemed to have worked well for these. What are Play-to-Earn games in the true sense? As the name suggests, any game that rewards users for participation will fall under this category. But, there’s a critical aspect here, the rewards offered should have some real-world value. So, if a game only provides coins that are redeemable within the ecosystem and of no apparent value outside of it, these wouldn’t come under the Play-to-Earn domain. The rewards offered could be anything, ranging from the in-game tokens, the native token on the platform, NFTs, skins, and weapons, amongst others. Every game may reward users with one or more of these. It all depends on how the game is developed and the items integrated into it. How do Play-to-Earn games differ from regular games? It’s quite simple! For regular games, you have to shell out a certain amount, either for purchasing it or unlocking the full version. While in Play-...

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