2022-09-19 10:00:24

Why Cradles: Origin of Species Will Change Your Mind About NFT Gaming

NFT gaming, while probably a novelty aspect in blockchain gaming, can no longer be considered a niche but an established part of games built on blockchain. With the ability to earn being a major pull for gamers, NFT gaming has attracted a large number of new players. At some point in 2021, there were game streamers who were posting earnings in the thousands of dollars every week due to their participation in these NFT games. Naturally, given that most of these games had been launched during the bull market, their token prices had soared, and so did the earnings of gamers. But these NFT games are now being put to the test as the crypto market has entered another inevitable bear market. As prices have collapsed, so has the interest from gamers. A large number of games that had been popular due to their growing token prices are now suffering in the bear market. Even large players such as Axie Infinity have seen interest plummet significantly during this time. This has called for more innovation and less focus on token prices when it comes to NFT gaming. That is if these games plan to survive the current bear market. Token Price Should Not Be The Focus A problem with existing blockchain games is the fact that the value of the entire gaming ecosystem depends solely on how their token prices are doing. When the price of their tokens is rising, they see a lot of interest, but any decline sees players leave in large numbers. It is evi...

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