2022-09-21 08:30:54

2022 Was Bad for Crypto, 2023 Will Be Better?

There is no doubt that 2022 was a bad year for the cryptocurrency world and those that are associated with the industry in any shape or form. Whether you held virtual currency because you liked to use it as a preferred option when utilizing a bitcoin casino when playing your favorite gambling games, you were holding on to it for the future as a potential investment, or you simply held some because you were interested in what the rage was all about, everyone will have been impacted at some point by the news that had consistently been revealed. Why was 2022 a bad year for cryptocurrency? Naturally, when thinking about why something may have been bad for cryptocurrency, many will immediately think about its price. Indeed, one of the biggest things about virtual currency is the fact that it is highly volatile and that its value can tend to fluctuate at huge amounts. We saw this in the first half of the year, with the likes of Bitcoin and Ethereum both crashing by more than 50% from their all-time highs that had been experienced in the final stages of 2021. Since the height of that massive rally, it has been estimated that around $2 trillion had been lost in value between then and now. Naturally, with this in mind, it becomes extremely easy to begin to understand why 2022 has been described as a bad year for the cryptocurrency sector. Furthermore, the fact that Bitcoin had experienced its worse quarter in more than a decade has not...

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