Data shows the daily Bitcoin volatility has declined further this week, reaching very low levels not observed in around two years. Bitcoin 30-Day Volatility Has Come Down To Just 1.9% In Recent Days As per the latest weekly report from Arcane Research, the 7-day volatility made a low below the 1% mark earlier in the week. The “daily volatility” is an indicator that measures how the per day returns of Bitcoin have differed from the average during a specific period. While this period can be of any length, two versions of the metric are particularly natural, the 7-day volatility and the 30-day volatility. Now, here is a chart that shows the trend in these daily Bitcoin volatilities, as well as the daily returns in the price of the crypto, over the past year. Looks like the values of the two metrics have been quite low in recent days | Source: Arcane Research's The Weekly Update 41, 2022 As you can see in the above graph, the Bitcoin volatility has been trending down during the last few weeks as the price of the coin has been stuck in consolidation. The 7-day version of the indicator breached below the 1% level just recently, before forming a low there and rebounding back to the current 1.1% level. Related Reading: 2022: The Year Of Crypto Market Fear This bottom was the lowest level that the metric has seen since the July of 2020, around when the rebound following the COVID crash took place. The 30-day Bitcoin vo...