Seeking Alpha
2022-10-28 12:00:00

Crypto Logs: More Regulations Introduced, Few Materialized

SummaryCrypto regulation has been widely discussed as one of the necessary steps for the digital asset market to mature and become truly mainstream.While mature industries often fear regulations because they believe they may stifle innovation, many crypto advocates are looking for regulation and guidance to support the newer digital asset industry.While regulatory attention is a significant step, these bills will need to be passed before having a real impact on the industry.Crypto regulation has been widely discussed as one of the necessary steps for the digital asset market to mature and become truly mainstream. According to a report by the Value Technology Foundation, over 50 bills have already been introduced addressing the crypto landscape. These bills address a range of topics including crypto taxation, central bank digital currencies, clarity on the regulatory treatment of digital assets, blockchain technology, sanctions, and limitations on the use of crypto by elected officials.While mature industries often fear regulations because they believe they may stifle innovation, many crypto advocates are looking for regulation and guidance to support the newer digital asset industry. More clarity, regulation, and education could help provide investor protection, particularly with the increased popularity of celebrity endorsements and the release of new stablecoins and altcoins (i.e., events like the Terra crash). Regulations c...

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