SummaryThe two major cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ether, have broken many retail hearts and wallets in 2022.General public sentiment is that crypto - all of it - was and is a scam with no fundamentals or use case. Just gambling.We suspect this may be true for much of the long tail of altcoins.The top two - though - we believe they are being accumulated by institutional investors as part of the professionalization of the asset class.We believe Bitcoin and Ether are buying opportunities at present.DISCLAIMER: This note is intended for US recipients only and, in particular, is not directed at, nor intended to be relied upon by any UK recipients. Any information or analysis in this note is not an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. Nothing in this note is intended to be investment advice and nor should it be relied upon to make investment decisions. Cestrian Capital Research, Inc., its employees, agents or affiliates, including the author of this note, or related persons, may have a position in any stocks, security, or financial instrument referenced in this note. Any opinions, analyses, or probabilities expressed in this note are those of the author as of the note's date of publication and are subject to change without notice. Companies referenced in this note or their employees or affiliates may be customers of Cestrian Capital Research, Inc. Cestrian Capital Research, Inc. values both its indep...