2022-02-15 18:30:22

Web 3 Data Union Swash Unveils Plans for Mammoth DAO Campaign

Web 3 Data Union Swash is aiming to kickstart its eponymous DAO and boost uptake of its native $SWASH token, commencing this month. The DAO Ignition campaign will get rolling on February 15, giving participants the opportunity to influence the direction of the game-changing data ownership platform moving forward. That’s not the only incentive, though: there will also be a grand prize up for grabs, with Swash adding $20 to the growing prize pool for every person that participates, until it reaches a maximum cap of $300K. Should that cap be reached, Swash has pledged to donate $100K to a charity as part of its Data for Good program. Whatever the amount in the final prize pot, a single winner will claim the lot at the conclusion of the campaign, though all participants will be classed as DAO early bird members. As such, they will have the ability to impact Swash’s future trajectory. Ready for Liftoff Swash confidently refers to DAO Ignition as “the biggest DAO campaign of 2022” – a bold claim given the number of both established and fledgling decentralized autonomous organizations in the space. Then again, it’s the sort of confidence that stems from having expanded the Data Union base from 5,000 to 220,000 over the course of 2021. With DAO Ignition, some 10% of the monthly average of the amount held by the community during the year-long campaign will be burned, until Swash has eventually removed a maximum of 5,000,000 $SWASH from...

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