2022-02-16 17:00:25

Majority Of Crypto Holders Will Hold Through An 80% Crash, New Survey Shows

A new survey has mapped out the sentiment of crypto holders towards the present market climate. It shows how most investors are looking at the market despite the recent crash. This survey from Deutsche Bank shows that more and more crypto investors are leaning towards holding for the long-term than selling. The majority have revealed that they would not sell their holdings even if cryptocurrencies lost a large chunk of their value. Holding Crypto For The Long-Term A recent Deutsche Bank survey titled “The Future of Cryptocurrencies” has found that more investors are leaning towards long-term holding. Out of a total of 3,250 U.S. respondents that were surveyed, 680 revealed that they used cryptocurrencies. The survey went on to further evaluate these investors which yielded some interesting findings. Related Reading | Bitcoin Mining Stocks Lose 50-60% Value Since Crypto Price Peak The majority of these holders said that they planned to hold their crypto through the worst of the market downtrend. Only less than half of respondents said that they would reduce or leave the market entirely if the value of their cryptocurrencies fell below 80%. The majority revealed that they planned to hold through no matter how bad the market got. Crypto total market cap up at $1.95 trillion | Source: Crypto Total Market Cap on These respondents are mainly small-time holders who have put less than $10,000 in the market ov...

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