As the Ukraine crisis worsens, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are trading lower. The crypto market went down after the news broke that Russia had expelled USA Deputy Chief of Diplomatic Mission Bart Gorman following an escalation with Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko over fears for his safety.” On February 17th after President Biden reiterated that an invasion by Russia is “very excessive,” many investors took fright. They are afraid of what could potentially happen if this situation isn’t resolved soon enough. Tradingview information reveals that bears are offensive as Bitcoin sinks to new lows. Bulls have regrouped and tried everything from preventing selling via buy orders, but it doesn’t seem like they’ll be able to stop this lousy trend any time soon. In the afternoon, trading began again with increased overall stress within the crypto market. Prices dropped by over $2,000, bringing Bitcoin close enough to touch the $40,000. Related Reading | Bitcoin Dives To $40K, What Could Trigger More Downsides With each passing day, analysts agree that the bullish case for a greater transfer continues to dwindle. The elements are weighing on the crypto market mount, and it seems like an uphill battle trying desperately not to let them get down. Experts Reviews On Crypto If you’re looking for a way to invest in the Ukraine-Russia tension, now is your time. David Lifchitz from ExoAlpha says that...