A well-known British Comedian, Russell Brand slammed Justin Trudeau’s handling of the trucker protests held in Canada. In his recent YouTube video, ‘Trudeau – Is This Your Liberal Hero?’ he implied that Trudeau’s newly declared emergency powers were turning Canada into a ‘tyrannical place.’ Brand condemned and criticized the sanctions imposed on Canadian truckers that includes freezing of bank accounts and cryptocurrency funds. A special injunction was believed to be used to freeze over 120 crypto addresses. The implementation of the sanction prohibits funds from being spent, hidden, or transferred. The funds raised were due to crypto donations and the frozen addresses were tied to BTC, ADA, ETH, LTC, and XMR. The British comedian feels that terming this as an ‘Emergency Act’ is a mistake. “I can’t do what I like whenever I want to, bang people up and nick their bank accounts and freeze their money and stop them having conversations.” Brand criticized the concept that the protest was anything other than peaceful, and believes that as long as the protest is nonviolent, there is no justification for the severe tactics adopted. Furthermore, in response to the issue of vaccination requirements, which truckers are protesting about, Brand took a practical stance, supporting the right to protest rather than taking a position on the issue. Centralizing The Power Brand contends that the powers utilized against Canadian truckers should ...