Ukraine continues to combat the Russian invasion as the military operations announced by President Vladimir Putin enter day four. Members of the crypto space and the blockchain community have joined in on the latest developments of Russia’s military intervention. Initially, the news of the invasion sent Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies plummeting. Today, the President of FTX.US, Brett Harrison took to Twitter to share his opinions on the media’s portrayal of crypto. 1/ There are two competing media narratives about crypto right now: 1.crypto has enabled significant direct contributions to Ukraine’s resistance efforts 2.crypto has the potential to be used by Russia to evade sanctions — Brett Harrison (@Brett_FTXUS) February 28, 2022 As stated by Harrison, the media looks at the crypto space in two varied narratives. Firstly, “Crypto has enabled the significant direct contribution to Ukraine’s resistance efforts.” The global crypto community has extended its support to Ukraine, resulting in raising more than $15 million in cryptocurrencies. Alongside, DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations) have been formed in support of Ukraine. Additionally, NFTs have also been sold to raise money for the people and the military of Ukraine. Ukraine’s official Twitter account has now begun accepting Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Tether. The second narrative, according to the tweet by Harrison claimed, “Crypto has the potential to be used...