Brokerage company eToro has announced the launch of its new metaverse-themed Smart Portfolio, MetaverseLife made up of stocks and crypto-assets within the metaverse industry. Meta Platforms, the new parent company behind Facebook, video game developer Roblox, and blockchain-based metaverse firms like Decentraland, The Sandbox, and Enjin are included in the portfolio. Other companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and Nvidia are also among the portfolios which aren’t completely blockchain-based firms but have contributed to the spread and adoption of the metaverse. For instance, Microsoft is creating a metaverse through its communication platform Teams called Mesh while NVIDIA is launching metaverse-based Omniverse. Commenting on the development, Dani Brinker, head of investment portfolios at eToro, said: “When analyzing the investing possibilities of developing businesses, diversity is crucial since not everyone participating will be a winner. By packaging up a selection of assets in a portfolio, we’re doing the heavy lifting and enabling our customers to gain exposure to the metaverse and spread the risk across a variety of assets.” He added that we are still in the early stages of development and that the industry could become an $800 billion market. Tomer Niv, director of global crypto solutions at eToro added: “We are incredibly excited by the opportunities offered by the metaverse and will be revealing further details including ...