2022-03-04 18:39:08

Cardano Whales Hoard During Plunge?, What Could Save ADA From Further Losses

Cardano investors have been heavily impacted by current market conditions with ADA losing its spot in the top 5 crypto by market cap. After an impressive rally during 2021, this cryptocurrency has lost critical zones and could return to previous lows. Related Reading | Cardano (ADA) Ready For Rally Towards $1.50? What Indicators Are Saying At the time of writing, ADA’s price trades at $0.87 with a 2.3% loss in the last 24 hours. In higher timeframes, Cardano records a 19.5% and 28.1% loss for the past 30 days and over the past year, respectively. ADA’s price seems to be following the general sentiment in the market as larger cryptocurrencies are trending to the downside over macro-factors and general uncertainty. The Ukrainian-Russia conflict and a potential shift in the U.S. Federal Reserve (FED) monetary conflict seem to be operating as the core causes of unrest in market participants. However, Cardano seems to be suffering more losses than other cryptocurrencies in the top 10 by market cap. In the short term, these losses could deepen beyond $0.85. Data from Material Indicators (MI) shows major resistance for the bulls at around $0.89 which could keep the price suppressed at its current levels, at least for now. There are around $2 million in asks orders at $0.89, as seen below. If bulls manage to break above this resistance, the $1 mark stands as the next major resistance with fewer asks orders stacked at those levels...

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