Fantom (FTM) price decreased 22% by reaching $1.32 per coin after key personnel associated with its project announced that they were leaving. Fantom is in deep trouble following the departure of two high-profile employees, Anton Nell, a senior solutions architect, and Andre Cronje, a prolific developer, without providing any clues about why they left. Related Reading | Crypto Markets Slightly Recover After Weekend Decline The Fantom cryptocurrency has seen a sharp decline in value over the past week, dropping 22% to hit lows near $1.32 on Monday, according to Coinmarketcap data. This brings their total asset value down about 60% from its peak. The token’s peak came during January 16th, when it reached $3.3 per coin. Since then, there have been many decreases which eventually led up until now, where they’re currently sitting at just $1.32 each – a reduction of approximately 60%. With the news, the price of dozens of tokens plunged. The price fluctuation of cryptocurrencies has been unpredictable lately, with some Gain Others Lose. But one thing that remains constant is the importance each individual holds regarding their cryptocurrency’s value- whether through trading or holding. Experts Reviews On The News Raj A Kapoor, the founder of India Blockchain Alliance, said, “the price fluctuation is a response to the news reiterates just how critical an individual can be to a crypto’s value....