2022-03-22 13:20:45

DOGE Technical analysis: A Dormant Volcano With The x2 Perspective

The DOGE cryptocurrency price movement did not change significantly during the trading month. In the previous analysis, we outlined the importance of the $0.1 mark for the medium-term growth wave. Since then, the DOGE price has continued to move within the consolidation wedge and has not fallen below the critical mark. The level of passivity of market participants is outrageous. However, the weakness of the price fall and low volumes during the fall – this is the problem of sellers. No matter how weak or scared the buyers are at the moment, they manage to turn the price in a weekly timeframe. The main scenario is the $0.26 test remains valid. This mark shows the global trend line of the correctional channel of sellers. In this channel, the DOGE price is traded from June 2021. On the way to the $0.26 mark, buyers will face another problem – the $0.17 mark. At this point, the average trend line of the fall channel. However, a much more important fact is that the range of $0.17 confidently stopped the DOGE price rebound in late November. As we can see in the chart, buyers could not take control of this mark for 5 weeks. Therefore, the probability of a rebound from this mark and a retest of the mark of $0.138 is the main scenario for us. Technical Analysis Of DOGE On The Daily Timeframe Analyzing the movement of the DOGE price on the daily timeframe, w...

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