2022-03-31 16:34:13

What a week in the New Earth Metaverse: Next Earth will be Listed on a Centralized Exchange

There’s more, and it’s only Thursday! Exciting a week for the third-largest metaverse: Next Earth today announced that the NXTT token will be listed on a centralized exchange, with plans to be in another top 3 exchange within 2-8 weeks of this first listing. Gabor Retfalvi and David Taylor explained in their Youtube live session, that CEXistings will provide more liquidity and accessibility to the NXTT token, and will help to further grow the booming Next Earth community. With the first CEX listing agreement complete, all that remains is technical steps for the CEX listing to happen around the middle of April. Also, Next Earth is pleased to be a sponsor of the upcoming CCTF hacking competition. This great event focuses on educating and growing the hacking community. The company also announced its investment in Primal Game Studio, a game development studio with experience in developing exciting adventure and RPG games. Both enterprises focus on community-driven experiences, enabling the potential for shared knowledge and viewpoints from different perspectives, which will make this a strong partnership. Next Earth aims to build an immersive, interactive metaverse, and Primal is at the forefront of video game production: this investment is an opportunity to build virtual reality worlds together. Primal’s current and future video game titles will not be affected by the partnership and are not going to include NFTs or other f...

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