The renowned documentary series “The Future is Now” has recently shifted its focus to the blockchain industry. The team produced its first-ever crypto-related documentary titled “Aligning the Future,” shedding light on the development of Bitcoin and other digital currencies across the globe. The show stars H.E. Justin Sun, TRON founder and the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Grenada to the WTO, congressman William Soriano from El Salvador, and many other respected crypto leaders, who shared their insights on the future of crypto. H.E. Justin Sun, TRON founder and the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Grenada to the WTO “Eventually we will have three kinds of nations. One kind of nation will still use traditional fiat, but some countries will start to evolve into CBDCs, doing central bank digital currencies. But we will also see some countries like El Salvador and Caribbean countries in the future that might adopt Bitcoin or cryptocurrency as their legal tender or financial settlement infrastructure.” said H.E. Justin Sun when asked about his view of CBDCs (central bank digital currencies) across the globe. He also added that as a believer in Hayek’s theory, he has faith in a currency market that is open to entire competition and embraces all types of currencies. Meanwhile, as a veteran in digital currency, Sun believes that CBDCs can be listed on blockchains, including Ethereum and TRON, i...