Michael Yagudaev, a tech entrepreneur and CEO of Nano3labs known for developing digital products, made a post on his Twitter handle, @_yagudaev, hours ago citing how difficult it is to live as an entrepreneur anywhere in the world. CEO Of Binance, Changpeng Zhao, weighed in on the issue, noting that the situation is even more difficult for crypto entrepreneurs. Paying For Expenses Is Difficult As An Entrepreneur Yagudaev noted that it is easier for an individual with a regular job who works 9 to 5 daily to explain their finances since they are paid weekly wages or salaries at the end of the month. For an entrepreneur who has to pay for accommodation and other expenses while managing a business, explaining how they earn their money becomes a significant challenge since the cash flow changes over time. The tech entrepreneur suggested that having a steady source of income to cater for the day-to-day expenses would help any entrepreneur when a period of low cash flow arises. A Twitter user, @derrickgrigg, said he solved the issue of finance as an entrepreneur by creating a system where he gets paid a salary from his business so he can take care of his expenses. Big reason why I incorporated and pay myself a regular salary on the biz side … so the personal side can deal with banks like a normal person — Derrick Grigg (@derrickgrigg) April 11, 2022 Life As A Cryptocurrency Earner According to the CEO of Binance, entrepreneurs who de...