FTX US has announced the launch of three new and exclusive NFT collections for the upcoming Coachella music festival. The NFT collections, called Head in the Clouds Forever, will be released in conjunction with 88rising, a music label dedicated to promoting and supporting Asian artists and communities, particularly those in the diaspora. The collections will be launched to showcase the works of Curry Tian, a Chinese multidisciplinary visual artist. Owners of these NFTs will be able to redeem them for digital and physical experiences at the festival and they will also be able to take advantage of other special benefits from 88rising and Coachella including dedicated entry lines, early access to tickets to Head In The Clouds Festival, an onsite festival meetup, early access to merchandise, and future NFT drops. Fans will be able to purchase the collections exclusively during a one-day sale beginning April 12, at 9 a.m. PST, with a portion of the revenues going to the Asian Mental Health Institute. Those who aren’t able to get their hands on the collections will be able to participate in other activities like NFT minting to be able to acquire them. Coachella Looking to Connect with Fans Through Partnership With FTX US Coachella’s engagement with 88rising is part of the festival’s attempts to strengthen its relationship with its fans, while also allowing fans to connect with their favorite artists. It was announced in February tha...