2022-04-20 14:35:51

The Top 5 Crypto Adoption Influencers of 2022

2022 continues to be an eventful year for crypto. New milestones are being achieved, an increasing number of institutional investors are adopting digital assets, and more ordinary people are learning about the industry. Crypto’s landmark growth is being championed by an eclectic mix of people, ranging from blockchain developers and multi-million dollar investors to reality TV stars and Tik Tok celebrities. This short piece will look at a few people we feel have done much to push crypto into the popular conscience in 2022. 1) Vitalik Buterin There is no better way to start a list of this sort than with the name of Vitalik Buterin. The Russian-born writer and developer is the co-founder of Ethereum (ETH), one of the world’s biggest decentralized platforms and the birthplace of decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Vitalik Buterin is also the co-founder of Bitcoin Magazine, one of the most established and reliable sources for bitcoin (BTC) news and information. Buterin is very active on Twitter, where he has more than 3.6 million followers. On the platform, the outspoken programmer shares insightful commentaries on the state of blockchain tech, crypto, and his frank take on current affairs. He also shares valuable resources, including articles and reviews from Bitcoin Magazine and other trustworthy sources, which are often helpful to people interested in better understanding the workings of blockchain and i...

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