2022-04-26 12:33:05

Trace Network Is Giving Everyone A Digital Twin With BUDDY Launch

Trace Network has announced the launch of BUDDY, the first product from the project that enables the creation of real-looking avatars. The product is now live on Trace Network Labs and you can mint BUDDY on The decentralized protocol set out to do something that has never been done before and that is to provide users with a digital twin of themselves. These human-looking avatars are basically virtual replications of the users themselves, bearing a complete likeness to their physical attributes and other characters. Speaking on the occasion of the launch, Lokesh Rao, Co-founder & CEO, said “The launch of Buddy marks a major achievement in our Metaverse journey and the beginning of another. Metaverses across the virtual world are looking for residents that aid and add value to the ecosystem. With Buddy, we intend to onboard a billion users in the next 5 years as this will be key to enable creators building digital life experiences for the meta-population.” The product was first launched in its beta version at the WOW Summit Metaverse Festival and Crypto Expo 2022 in Dubai. The product received a fabulous response with over 600 Buddy avatars created and minted within 5 days by visitors to these events. BUDDY – A “Real” experience BUDDY provides a unique experience for metaverse users compared to what is available now. Current metaverse Avatars are cartoon-looking and do not portray any charact...

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