The metaverse has had different explanations over the past few months. However, it is a space where people can interact virtually through devices that simulate real-life experiences through computer software. The innovation exists as a virtual world where normal day-to-day activities are carried out. Like other innovations, the metaverse will come with new job opportunities. These opportunities will cut across the world economy since it simulates the world in all ways it exists. However, newer opportunities like metaverse technicians will come up. If you have been wondering about the skill to capitalize on the job opportunities that the metaverse will offer, worry no more. Read on to see the jobs and skills available in the crypto space. How Will the Metaverse Change the Economic Sector? The metaverse will change many things. It will mostly affect how people socialize since it functions as a virtual world. It is also heavily tied to the crypto space seeking to reshape the financial sector. Therefore, the metaverse will reshape the economic sector either directly or indirectly. The metaverse might reshape the economic sector in the following ways: Decentralization The metaverse will rely on blockchain technology. Therefore, it might borrow some aspects of the crypto sector, like decentralization. If it does, then the economies in the metaverse will be governed through consensus and will give more returns to the metaverse citize...