For years now, some investors have preferred to hold their wealth in cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum as opposed to cash. As cryptocurrencies become more popular, this school of thought has become more widely shared to the point where even billionaires and celebrities have publicly come out to say that they would rather hold their wealth in digital assets rather than fiat. One of the latest celebrities to profess their support for bitcoin and ethereum is American rapper, Lil Baby. The rapper who rose to prominence in the last couple of years has said that he would rather hold his wealth in cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and ethereum as opposed to holding cash. Lil Baby Wants His Money In Bitcoin And Ethereum American rapper Lil Baby was shopping on Icebox when he was asked about where he puts his money. The rapper is known to be a regular at the luxury jeweler with a running internet joke that people will “run into Lil Baby” when they visit the jeweler. Related Reading | What’s In Store For MicroStrategy Going Forward? CEO Michael Saylor Reveals While shopping, the rapper expressed his displeasure with cash. When asked what he would prefer to cash, Lil Baby explained that he would rather have all of his money in bitcoin and ethereum, the top 2 cryptocurrencies currently in the space. Pointing to the bag of cash he brought with him to purchase jewelry, he said that was the last bit of cash he had. The rapper is...