2022-04-30 09:00:10

5 Most Popular NFTs that You Should Know About!

NFT world is booming with all the new developments and it wouldn’t be wrong to say that people are going berserk over all the things being launched. For example, recently Hyundai Motors announced entering the non-fungible token market in collaboration with Meta Kongs NFT brands. In this blog, we will discover what makes NFTs so popular but first let’s unravel what is an NFT. What is an NFT (non-fungible tokens)? NFT or non-fungible tokens mean it has unique attributes and cannot be replaced or interchanged. They are the tokens that indicate ownership of unique items including digital artworks, collectables, music, games, and many more things that can be digitized. One of the most important things about NFTs is that there is only one owner at a time and it is protected by a blockchain. List of 5 Famous NFTs NFTs have been getting too much attention lately. From being endorsed by celebrities to big companies collaborating and entering the market, they have become a fad these days. What is more exciting about these NFTs is that they give exclusive rights to their members and they enjoy special privileges. Members can create a new piece of art using their already existing characters. Some popular NFTs are: 1. Bored Ape Yacht Club Bored Ape Yacht Club created by Yuga Labs is so famous that it is currently being endorsed by many celebrities. From Justin Beiber to Jimmy Falon, these big names flaunt the apes on their Twitter handles ...

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