2022-05-04 10:35:42

Shiba Inu Token Now Can be Used to Buy Land in SHIB’s Metaverse

The Shiba Inu team has announced that land can now be purchased in SHIB: The Metaverse using the Shiba Inu token. It claims that this was done in response to community comments. A tweet posted on the SHIB: The Metaverse official handle then shares specifics of minting using SHIB. LFG… I'm so incredibly excited about Shib's MV. #soon — Shytoshi Kusama™ (@ShytoshiKusama) May 4, 2022 “I’m so unbelievably pleased about Shib’s MV,” said Shiba Inu developer Shytoshi Kusama on the latest development. In SHIB: The Metaverse, the Shiba Inu team previously released the details of a new SHIB utility. SHIB will be used to decorate land plots with photos and brands. The feature will also burn SHIB when the photos are altered. SHIB can be used to rename or name land plots while simultaneously burning SHIB, giving the environment a SHIB identity. HUBS will also be leased through SHIB. HUBS are the most valuable lands (blocked/reserved areas) in all space. SHIB burning and renaming will be available during the public sale stage, according to the company, and the community will be notified when the feature is available. Shiba Inu has announced the start of the third stage of the SHIB: The Metaverse land sale, which will be open to the public. This is the final step of Metaverse’s initial phase of land sales. During the open public auction event, anyone can buy the remaining accessible lands on the map for a predetermine...

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