2022-05-04 10:16:34

Major Investor Adds 71 Billion SHIB to SHIB Returns as Whales’ Largest Holding

Despite the coin’s 11 percent dip in the last week, whales continue to purchase Shiba Inu. A prominent Ethereum chain investor has purchased about 71 billion Shiba Inu, reclaiming its position as the most significant holding aside from FTT. This whale contributed 70.6 billion Shib to the total. According to a recent tweet from WhaleStats, and an on-chain data tracker focused on the Ethereum chain’s largest wallets, a whale with the wallet “BlueWhale0073” has purchased a total of 70,606,169,414 Shiba Inu. At the time of purchase, this amount of cryptocurrency was worth $1,440,365. 🐋 ETH whale "BlueWhale0073" just bought 70,606,169,414 $shib ($1,440,365 USD). Ranked #230 on WhaleStats: Transaction: #ShibArmy — WhaleStats – BabyWhale ($BBW) (@WhaleStats) May 3, 2022 SHIB Resurfaces as the Whales’ Most Valuable Asset Shiba Inu, the second-largest meme cryptocurrency, has flipped FTT to reclaim its place as the greatest crypto holding in the USD equivalent among the top 100 whales, according to WhaleStats. The top 100 Ethereum wallets currently possess $961,204,646 worth of Shiba Inu, accounting for 15.13 percent of their total portfolio. The SHIB hoard owned by whales went below $1 billion for the first time in the past week on April 3 and has remained there since. With $859,144,254, or 13.52 percent of the whales’ portfolio, FTT is right behind it. MATIC tokens make up only 3....

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