2022-01-19 14:00:19

DIA is the First Oracle to Integrate with Astar Network

DIA is the first oracle provider to integrate its oracle infrastructure with the Astar Network, running on the Polkadot Relaychain. The oracle deployment will facilitate DeFi applications on Astar to easily connect to the outside world data. The open-source data provider DIA announced today the integration of its decentralized oracle infrastructure with the Astar Network, running on the Polkadot Relaychain. This oracle deployment will facilitate DeFi applications on Astar to easily connect to the outside world data via DIA’s trusted oracles. Astar Network, previously known as Plasm, is a dApp hub on Polkadot that supports Ethereum, WebAssembly, and layer 2 solutions like ZK Rollups. Astar Network won the 3rd Polkadot parachain auction on December 2, 2021, and onboarded to the Polkadot Relay Chain on December 18, 2021. As the Polkadot Relay Chain doesn’t support smart contracts, Astar is working to provide a solution for all developers by parachain where EVM and WebAssembly smart contracts can co-exist and communicate with each other. Thanks to Astar’s Ethereum and WebAssembly compatibility, DeFi applications can seamlessly be deployed on Astar’s parachain, where DIA will be able to feed them with accurate and transparent market data. DIA’s price feed oracles will fuel a range of use cases, such as lending and borrowing protocols, stablecoins, staking rewards and many more. To build the data feeds, DIA simultaneously aggregates...

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