2022-05-13 17:00:03

Bitcoin Recovers Above $30,000, Has The Bottom Been Marked?

Bitcoin has now started another recovery trend that has seen it mark its position above $30,000 once more. This is a welcome development after the market had seen various crashes that have sent investors into a panic. However, while investors heave a sigh of relief as the digital asset has begun to recover, other concerns have arisen in the market, including if the uptrend will continue and if bitcoin has already seen the bottom of this crash. Did It Mark The Bottom? The recent comeback has indicated that bitcoin has either marked the bottom of the dip or may be well on its way to posting further losses. But there remain some indicators that show that maybe indeed, the bottom has been reached. One of these has been that the Bitcoin RSI remains in the firmly oversold territory. Now, with this indicator in this region, there is not much that sellers can do to bring the price of the digital asset further down, especially with the powerful recovery that was just recorded. Related Reading | Bitcoin Funding Rates Remain Unmoved Despite Plunge To $30,000 Even after falling below $25,000 for the first time in more than a year, bulls had not completely relinquished control of the market to their bearish counterparts. What this shows is that bitcoin had likely reached its bottom when it touched the $24,000 and the strength displayed to bounce off from this point suggests that there is a bit of momentum left to carry it further. BTC...

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