Is Proof-of-Stake Ethereum bringing more centralization? Well, we don’t know for sure. However, the main reason for this uncertainty is that it is unknown how many Ethereum will be required to stake to become a validator. Besides, if the amount is too high, only a few large ETH holders will have a chance to qualify as validators. In turn, this would lead to more centralization. Conversely, if the amount required is low, many individuals or organizations could potentially serve as validators. Consequently, centralization would decrease. Ultimately, the amount of ETH required to stake will likely play a prominent role. It will strongly influence how centralized or decentralized a PoS Ethereum will be. Time will tell whether a Proof-of-Stake Ethereum will see further centralization or not. Until then, we can only speculate. Is centralization helping in the running of Ethereum? There is no definitive answer to this question. Some people believe that centralization can help improve the efficiency of Ethereum. Others believe that decentralization is necessary to keep Ethereum secure. Ultimately, it is up to individual beliefs. There are pros and cons to both centralization and decentralization. Centralization can help improve efficiency, but it also comes with the risk of central points of failure. While decentralization can improve security, it can also reduce efficiency. Beyond that, a small number of people hold the majority of E...