2022-05-24 10:39:16

Social-Media Disruptor Project Liberty to Run on Polkadot

Leading interoperability blockchain network Polkadot has partnered with real estate billionaire Frank McCourt’s Project Liberty to collaborate on the first implementation of the Decentralized Social Networking Protocol (DSNP). DSNP is an initiative designed to build a user-friendly technology infrastructure for the internet. The project is leveraging the power of blockchain technology to democratize social media data, allowing users to determine how their data is utilized. The latest partnership with Polkadot is geared toward developing the protocol to become a core social layer of the next generation of the internet. It is focused on making high-performance, low-cost decentralized social networking accessible to billions of internet users. “We are excited to work with Gavin (founder of Polkadot) and his colleagues to bring our shared vision of a healthier web into reality. Not only are they pioneering innovators, but our values are aligned for how the internet should be restructured in a way that empowers users, benefits society and strengthens democracy,” McCourt said in a statement. Also further down the line, a token attached to Project Liberty is in the planning with details to be revealed later this year. “The token is important because messaging is a resource and a token will be used to manage stable bandwidth resources for messaging and social media that is scalable. We think that’s going to be really unique in the blo...

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