2022-05-27 02:30:21

Can You Do Cryptocurrency Mining With Your PlayStation 5?

PlayStation 5 is a console frequently referenced in conjunction with its sales or illegal business operations. Since its release, the platform has been debated over everything from resellers to a continuing PlayStation and Xbox hardware scarcity that has hampered console manufacturing. The announcement about Sony’s next console was enough to eclipse what renders the machine so desirable in the first place, namely its specifications and potential. Leading up to the release, the PS5 was teased with a slew of additional features designed to set it apart from its predecessors. Sony’s new DualSense joystick, which replaced the legacy DualShock controls, featured tactile functionality and capacitive sensors. Cryptocurrency Mining Through PlayStation 5 Earlier rumours claimed that PlayStation 5 could mine Ethereum due to its specifications being comparable to a mining setup. Chinese hackers uploaded a screenshot of the PS5 mining in operation amid speculation that not only was the PS5 compromised by hackers but that it also accelerated the specifications to match this need. Those who planned on turning their PlayStation 5 into cryptocurrency mining equipment will have to hunt for other options. Pl placed a QR code next to the original image, which when scanning merely said “there is no such software for entertainment hahaha” in Chinese, indicating that it’s nothing more than a complex scam. If the crypto mining frenzy persists, we ma...

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