Ryoshi, the pseudonymous creator behind meme coin Shiba Inu has deleted all tweets and blog posts from his social media accounts. On May 30, the SHIB creator abruptly deleted all his posts, including his tweets and blog posts. As of this writing, there are no longer any SHIB blogs on Medium, and the page reads “410. User deactivated or deleted their account.” Ryoshi has hinted on several occasions that he would eventually walk away. In a since-deleted Medium post, the founder reportedly said: “I have said from the beginning, I am a nobody, I am not important. The efforts to unmask my “identity” even if successful would be underwhelming. I am just some guy of no consequence tapping at a keyboard and I am replaceable. I am Ryoshi.” “I am not important, and one day I will be gone without notice. Take the SHIBA and journey upwards frens,” wrote Ryoshi in the first Shiba Inu blog. The price of the SHIB token hasn’t been affected by Ryoshi’s sudden departure and is currently trading at $00001197, according to data from CoinGecko. Shiba Inu (SHIB) is currently valued at $6.4 billion, which makes it the 16th biggest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. The cryptocurrency is down 86% from its all-time high that was registered last October.The post Shiba Inu Founder Deletes All Social Media Posts, Blogs appeared first on Cryptoknowmics-Crypto News and Media Platform.