On Thursday, Warner Bros. announced the collaboration with NFT platform Nifty’s to launch a story-driven NFT collection called “Looney Tunes: What’s Up Block?”. This is the third time Warner and Nifty’s have teamed together on an NFT project. In July 2021, the companies released an NFT collection from Space Jam: A New Legacy before launching a Matrix avatar program later for that film’s December release. Tweety Is Getting Into NFTs Warner Bros. is teaming with NFT platform Nifty’s on Looney Tunes: What’s Up Block?, a story-driven blockchain program that will “use digital art as a new medium for storytelling, creating a fresh narrative for the Looney Tunes franchise that will be revealed through NFTs.” Tweety’s coming to Nifty’s! And that's not all folks. 😉 We're partnering with @WarnerBros to bring you Looney Tunes: What's Up Block?, a story-driven @LooneyTunesNFT program for the ultimate fan. There will be 10,000 Tweety Avatars at $80 each and more characters coming soon! pic.twitter.com/a7pqsXf0NM — Nifty's (@Niftys) June 2, 2022 The first character to go on sale will be Tweety, marking Tweety’s 80th birthday. Currently, there are also plans for other characters to be featured, including Marvin the Martian and Bugs Bunny. Several others may follow too if the proposed NFTs are successful. Commenting on the collaboration, Josh Hackbarth, head of NFT commercial development for Warner Bros, said: “Looney Tunes is not afraid to ...