MG Motor India today announced the launch of a Metaverse platform called MGverse to provide an immersive experience to its customers and stakeholders through multiple arenas. MG Motor India Forays Into Metaverse With MGverse, customers will be able to go through a virtual car buying experience from a 3D avatar. In addition, users can also buy non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and play racing games in separate zones within the metaverse platform. In the near future, customers will also be able to take virtual test drives in remote locations, per the company. .@MGMotorIn announces its entry into the field of #Metaverse, which will be called #MGVerse. It will cover 5 key areas. — carandbike (@carandbike) June 6, 2022 There will also be a Car Club zone where users can visit a car museum and connect with others. MGverse will also have a knowledge center where employees and partners will be given opportunities to upskill and attend virtual training sessions. “MGverse is our vision for creating our Metaverse, in which we and our partners will constantly explore, innovate, improvise, and develop new solutions to consistently enhance the customer experience in the future,” Gaurav Gupta, Chief Commercial Officer, MG Motor India said. The platform will be accessible on mobile as well as other web browsers with plans to make similar experiences available for VR headsets. The platform will be executed in phases, with th...