For a long time, improper waste management has been polluting oceans and landfill sites with plastic that will never break down. The waste to water ratio of water bodies is devastatingly alarming. In turn, this is having a detrimental impact on marine life. It is no secret that our planet is in trouble. We’re facing a climate crisis, and a big part of the problem is the amount of waste that’s clogging up our landfills and oceans. This kind of pollution can cause entanglement, suffocation, and ingestion of toxic chemicals by wildlife. It is estimated that 100M marine animals and turtles die each year. In addition to the harm caused to wildlife, it also negatively impacts our own health. It has become apparent that plastic is a major source of pollution in our oceans, land, and food. Most people don’t realize that the plastic they’re throwing away will never break down. It will sit in landfills and eventually make its way into the ocean, harming sea life and wildlife. The Solution to the Problem There is a lot of activity and talk in the blogosphere around solutions to the plastic problem that is being faced worldwide. Most of these solutions are generic for the most part, and do not give a clear picture of what is happening with plastic waste in each country. Yet, there are some interesting solutions on how we can eliminate plastic from our lives. Plastisks is a green startup that is creating a blockchai...