2022-01-25 17:00:34

Ethereum Leaves ETH 2.0 In The Past In New Roadmap Rebrand

Ethereum 2.0 is one of the most-anticipated upgrades in crypto presently. The upgrade which will bring better scalability and cheaper prices to the network is nothing short of needed given that demand has driven these two things to its brink on the network. This is why Ethereum developers have been hard at work for two years trying to usher in this new era. However, it seems that the name ETH 2.0 is no longer doing justice to the upgrades being performed on the network. In a recent announcement, Ethereum Foundation announced that it is retiring the name ETH 2.0 in favor of something that better describes the work being done on the network. ETH 2.0 Is Now Consensus Layer In a blog post on its official website, the Ethereum Foundation announced its decision to change the name of the upcoming upgrade from ETH 2.0 to the “Consensus layer”. The post explains that the reason for this was the need for terminology that clearly embodies the changes that were being made to the network. ETH 2.0 had worked while at the beginning when the goal was simply to move users from the present proof of work chain, also known as ETH 1.0, to the new proof of stake mechanism. The goal has changed drastically since then. Related Reading | Ethereum Fee Averages Remain Above $30 Despite 35% Drop. Price Pump Incoming? For the total completion of the upgrade, developers had discovered that it would take several years to complete. Additionally, the upg...

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