2022-06-27 08:32:54

Metaverse Features Expected in the New HTC Phone

As part of its ongoing Web3 growth, virtual reality (VR) gear and smartphone manufacturer HTC is anticipated to introduce a new phone featuring metaverse characteristics on Tuesday. HTC’s VR and metaverse division Viverse hinted at a phone-shaped graphic in a tweet earlier in June without providing additional information or specifications. With its most recent phone release occurring in January 2021, the Taiwanese consumer electronics company has shifted its emphasis to developing VR gear. #HTC is all set to enter the Web3 world with its own metaverse phone, dubbed the Viveverse phone; the phone is scheduled to debut June 28. Here's all you need to know. — Business Today (@business_today) June 27, 2022 According to Taiwanese tech publication Industry Next, HTC’s general manager for APAC, Chaoying Huang, stated in March that the company plans to release a metaverse-related phone in 2022, reiterating that HTC was still in the smartphone business. Google purchased a portion of HTC’s smartphone hardware division in 2017 for US$1.1 billion. HTC – The First to Test Blockchain Technology One of the first phone manufacturers to test blockchain technology is HTC. Even after the news of the new HTC phone’s launch, not much is known about it. Some of the unsolved issues are whether the phone would be a flagship model and whether it would have a distinctive camera or new sensors. Other details about the phone are un...

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