El Salvador has acquired 80 more bitcoins (BTC-USD) at a price of $19K each, President Nayib Bukele said Thursday in a Twitter post which included screenshots of 40 buy transactions totaling $1.52M.“Bitcoin is the future! Thank you for selling cheap,” Bukele wrote. Over the past 24 hours, bitcoin (BTC-USD) is edging up 1.1% to $19.3K but remains down around 65% from its November peak.The Central American country's most recent bitcoin (BTC-USD) purchase is smaller than its previous pickup of 500 tokens for $15.3M at a price of $30.7K each.The move comes even as the value in El Salvador's bitcoin (BTC-USD) holdings are contracting 55.03%, according to CoinDesk data, adding that the country's BTC portfolio is now valued at $46.6M vs. a total investment of nearly $104M.Earlier this week (June 29) Michael Saylor's MicroStrategy bought 480 bitcoins for $10M in cash.