2022-07-06 09:45:08

CryptoCom CEO Kris Marszalek Denies Imposing Withdrawal Restrictions CEO Kris Marszalek clarified on Twitter that his exchange had neither implemented withdrawal limitations nor launched other promotional campaigns about deposits. The community has been abuzz with rumors about who the next victim of the continuing market crash would be due to the recent increase in cryptocurrency trading firms stopping vital services owing to liquidity-related concerns. Kris Marszalek Dismissed the Rumors The CEO dismissed the accusations that the Singapore-based exchange had altered its withdrawals rules and implemented “special deposit discounts,” calling them both fake clickbait. He asserted that the business is “in a good situation,” saying it might have been among the top three cryptocurrency exchanges globally this year. Our withdrawals policy is the same as it always was, we didn’t implement any new restrictions. We run no special deposit promotions (and we make sure all regular ones that we do run are profitable). — Kris | (@kris) July 5, 2022 In the same thread, Marszalek disclosed that the corporation has decided to “optimize unit economics in times of market decline.” Since the exchange underwent a considerable scaling last year, it can now withstand the sharp decline in trading volume and income since, according to the CEO, the current low point is similar to the record-breaking revenue realized in early 2021. Announcement of Cutting 5% of the Workforce Marszalek’s so-called “o...

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