2022-07-14 10:16:01

BNB Technical Analysis: BNB/USD Trades Sideways

Key Technical Points: BNB technical analysis is bullish today. The closest resistance is at $244. BNB is up by barely 1% in the last 24 hours. Past Performance of BNB BNB technical analysis is in a consolidation phase today. The Binance Coin is currently trading at $230 after finding support at $206. The coin has been slightly uptrend since then and is up by 1% in the last 24 hours. There is minor resistance at $244, but the bulls will likely push higher soon. The long-term picture for BNB looks very promising as well. The coin has been on an uptrend since March 2020 and has been up by over 400%. The current rally could extend further in the coming months as the fundamentals remain strong. Binance is one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges in the world and has been proliferating. This should continue to benefit BNB in the long run. Source- Tradingview BNB Technical Analysis Current market sentiment is positive, and the short-term technical outlook is bullish. The 100 EMA line is slightly below the current market price, which signifies that the path of least resistance is to the upside. Overall, the BNB/USD pair looks set to continue its uptrend in the near term with a possible push towards $244. A break above this level could open up the upside towards $280. On the 4-hour chart, the MACD is currently in a bullish zone. The RSI is also above 50 levels, indicating that the bulls are in control. However, the stochastic indica...

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