2022-07-30 04:00:08

Polkadot Increases 4% And Eyes $9, What’s In Store Next?

Polkadot has surged on its chart by 4% over the last 24 hours. In the past week, DOT remained quite optimistic as it registered a 7% increase in its value. The price momentum has held on to bulls at the moment. After moving past the rigid resistance of $8, the bulls have regained strength. Technical outlook also pointed towards a positive price action for DOT. Buying strength of the altcoin has also noted an increase, which has contributed to rise in price. If demand remains consistent in the market, it would be easy for Polkadot to cross its next resistance mark. As Bitcoin continued to inch northwards and was trading above the $23,000 mark, altcoins have been positively affected by this price movement. Currently, the bulls are trying to maintain the recovery mode that DOT had displayed on its chart. The global cryptocurrency market cap today is $1.14 Trillion, with a 0.6% negative change in the last 24 hours. Polkadot Price Analysis: Four Hour Chart DOT was trading at $8.20 at the time of writing. The altcoin has managed to break past its tough resistance mark of $8. This has made the bullish force stronger in the market. The demand for the coin has also helped with the recovery. Overhead resistance for the altcoin was at $9 and incase DOT manages to trade above that level, it could soon enter the double-digit price zone. A fall from the current price level will however make DOT land up at $7.20 first and then at $6.87. Amou...

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