Seeking Alpha
2022-08-22 20:42:33

Bitcoin, Bitcoin: Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me? (Technical Analysis)

My long-term bias: Bitcoin will replace the US dollar over the next decade, as the global monetary system breaks down and is reinvented.Over the next months, technicals point towards a 59% drop from today's price.Bitcoin may yet rally to $30,000 but most likely it will drop from present levels to $10,004.From there, the upwards trend will resume, with peaks at $112,000 and then $181,000.Long-term, I am an avowed Bitcoin (BTC-USD) bull. The reader should understand this. I am convinced that over the next 10 years, the global financial system is coming to an end.As Ray Dalio has shown in his excellent YouTube series "The Changing World Order," all monetary regimes in history have a finite life spanning decades, often centuries, but never millennia.These regimes follow a consistent pattern of rise and decline, always supported by the same set of factors. As an American, I must regretfully concede that our national politics and economics have ordained that the US dollar's position as the lynchpin of the financial order is coming to an end more quickly than I had hoped.Ever more citizens are losing faith in their governments. Ever more investors are coming to the conclusion that our global systems of government-controlled, fiat monies are broken. These systems produce cycles of on-and-off money printing by central banks, cycles of debt-on and debt-off that inexorably lead to the erosion of the buying power of the national currency....

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