The development of Toncoin, designed to work in conjunction with the Telegram messaging app, has been one for the books. TON, which stands for “The Open Network,” got its own @wallet bot on Telegram’s open WebApps platform back in April, enabling users to transact Toncoin from within the messaging app. The revolutionary development has since then witnessed growth in terms of usage and transaction volumes. This time around, with a significant upgrade, a group of independent TON developers have taken it another step further by launching a fully-fledged cryptocurrency wallet inside the messaging app. This new innovation will allow users to buy and send Toncoin much faster and cheaper compared to before. Changing The Space With @Wallet Anyone who uses cryptocurrency is no stranger to the anxiety that comes with sending crypto from one wallet to another. This starts with downloading different apps for different purposes and having to copy and paste complicated wallet addresses to send crypto. This is the reason the @wallet bot was created; to make the process of sending and receiving crypto much easier. TON users need only have the Telegram handle of the recipient to send Toncoin. The payments are fast, and there are no transaction fees. Now, with the latest update, the TON Foundation has made the @wallet bot more like a bank app. Users can now easily buy Toncoin using their credit cards right inside the Telegram app. Furthermore, ...