Seeking Alpha
2022-08-26 18:06:36

EOS: Not Buying Into The Rebrand

SummaryEOS has made headlines as it announced a hard fork.However, there is nothing innovative about this upgrade.I don't buy into the EOS rebranding, and believe there are better coins out there.Thesis SummaryWith the biggest and most hyped Initial Coin Offering ("ICO") in the history of crypto, EOS (EOS-USD) raised over $4 billion in its 2018 ICO. EOSIO (the platform) was built as a decentralized operating system to provide developers with the tools needed to build and scale decentralized applications. The EOS blockchain, powered by EOSIO, was hyped to be the fastest blockchain network at its release. The EOS blockchain supports smart contracts and industrial-scale decentralized applications (dApps).EOS has received some attention as it aims to "rebrand" itself with a forecast. Still, I don't see this as a worthy coin to own.Hyped Start, Bumpy RideRiding on the back of its ICO hype, EOS quickly climbed the ranks of cryptocurrencies on Coinmarketcap, becoming a part of the top five cryptocurrencies at the time of its release. The initial EOS hype was driven by grandiose promises of scalability and flexibility made by the developers of EOS, It was advertised that the EOS blockchain will have the ability to run millions of transactions per second, all without transaction fees.EOS uses Delegated Proof of Stake (dPoS). In dPoS, network users are the ones who cast a vote to elect delegates that validate the next block. ...

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