2022-02-05 08:45:37

Governor DeSantis of Florida is a Firm Believer in Digital Assets

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is unconcerned about recent cryptocurrency volatility, which has been linked to a broader market downturn. The markets have unquestionably been impacted by the uncertainties over Covid-19 and the developing scenario in Ukraine. But the governor of Florida persisted, endorsing a pilot scheme that would allow businesses in the state to pay state levies in cryptocurrencies. Last month, he proposed a budget that includes $200,000 for DFS to launch a trial program like this. Under Mayor Suarez, he believes, Miami has opened the door to become a refuge for digital assets. DeSantis remarked during a recent press conference announcing his proposed budget. He said: “A lot of people have flocked to South Florida over this issue, and so our view at the state government is [that] this is something we welcome, and we want to make sure the state government is crypto-friendly.” There is Still Some Time For Bitcoin to Get Fully Accepted, Says DeSantis’ Spokesperson While some speculated that Bitcoin’s volatility meant the government had less spending capacity following a dip, the opposite is also true. Holding cryptocurrencies during an upswing would provide you with more spending power. In response to the latest movement, the governor’s administration had a firm response. DeSantis’ spokeswoman wrote in an email: “Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are still relatively new and not widely adopted yet. They are sti...

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