UCO Network said on Friday on its Twitter handle that VeChain has teamed up with it to develop blockchain infrastructure for the biofuel industry. 🚨Partnership Announcement🚨 #UCOnetwork is excited to announce it is teaming up with #VeChain $VET, the leading global sustainability-focused blockchain Foundation🙌 Find out more👇https://t.co/47snaaocm9@vechainofficial @sunshinelu24 @Bacco1977Dublin @im_dimneo — UCO Network (@UCONetwork) September 16, 2022 According to a news statement from UCO Network, the public blockchain protocol and the VeChain Foundation’s agreement with Environmental, Social, and Governance aims have been crucial differentiators that led to the development of this natural and exciting cooperation. UCO Network – First ESG-Focused Biofuel Platform UCO Network is the first ESG-focused biofuel platform built on a blockchain. With a concentration on automatic compliance with the EU’s Renewable Energy Directive II, it offers used cooking oil tracking solutions. According to the network, the platform combines blockchain and IoT technology, which consequently reduces the possibility of supply chain fraud involving spent cooking oil. UCO Network’s Layer 1 blockchain collaborator will be VeChainThor. The network will utilize features for multi-party payments, multi-task transactions, configurable transaction lifecycles, and transaction dependency, making Layer 1 development at UCO Network much more user-friendly. Po...